--DareDevil (Worst Movie Ever)
The reason why I advocate barbell training to help fight obesity in youth has a few simple reasons. When someone applies stress to their body, the human bodies homeostasis gets disrupted. When it returns back to normal the stress applied to it has been adapted to. Then you grow.
When you squat with the technique taught by Mark Rippetoe. You squat using the most muscles over the longest distance. The more you squat, the stronger you get. Safely. This is not saying you need to squat 800 pounds and be a professional powerlifter. That is what those guys get paid to do. Everyone can benefit from adding 100 lbs to their squat. If they don't squat, they should.
I digress.
When you get stronger and eat and sleep your muscles will grow. Lean muscle will be built over a short period of time. The more lean muscle a person has the faster their metabolism is.

This is a picture of my friend Justin Lascek. I think he's got 435 on the bar. He is a coach in Wichita Falls.
The faster the metabolism the quicker you can burn off calories. It is crazy how that works huh?