"Suck my unit"
--Ben Stiller/ Robert Downey Jr.
Yes, Robert Downey Jr. is playing a black guy
So I am kinda tired right now. I have been sleeping really early the past couple weeks. The odd part is that I wake up really late as well. You figure I'd be up at like 6 or 7 if I went to bed at 10. I'm rockin some sleep until 10-10:30. Maybe I am not getting enough deep sleep. The sleep that actually counts.
On the bright side, I qualified for Mens Raw Nationals in Power-lifting recently. I think I actually have a shot in placing in my weight class too. Who'da thunk it right?
I actually get to have Mark Rippetoe coach me at the meet. He is the strength coach I follow and he will be coaching me, alongside with him will also be my best friend Justin.
Gonna be a killer meet.